Review of the new HuskyLens AI camera as a robocar brain

There are so many cool sensors and embedded processors coming out of China these days! The latest is the amazing HuskyLens, which is a combination of a powerful AI/computer vision processor, a camera and a screen — for just $45. HuskyLens comes with a host of CV/AI functions pre-programmed and a simple interface of a scroll wheel and a button to choose between them and change their parameters.

To test its suitability for DIY Robocars, I swapped it in on my regular test car, replacing an OpenMV camera. I used the same Teensy-based board I designed for the OpenMV to interface with a RC controller and the car’s motor controller and steering servo. But because the HuskyLens can’t be directly programmed (you’re limited to the built-in CV/AI functions) I used it just for the line-following function and programmed the rest of the car behavior (PID steering, etc) on the Teensy. You can find my code here.

As you can see from the video above, it works great for line following.

Advantages of the HuskyLens include:

  • It’s super fast. I’m getting 300+ FPS for line detection. That’s 5-10x the speed of OpenMV (but with some limitations as discussed below)
  • Very easy to interface with an Arduino or Teensy. The HuskyLens comes with a cable that you can plug into the Arduino/Teensy and an Arduino library to make it easy to read the data.
  • The built-in screen is terrific, not only as a UI but to get real-time feedback on how the camera is handling a scene without having to plug it into a PC.
  • Easy to adjust for different lighting and line colors
  • Built-in neural network AI programs that make it easy to do object detection, color detection, tags, faces and gestures. Just look at what you want to track and press the button.

Compared to the OpenMV, some disadvantages of HuskyCam include:

  • You can’t change the camera or lens. So no fisheye lens option to give it a wider angle of view
  • You can’t directly program it. So no fancy tricks like perspective correction and tracking two different line colors at the same time
  • You’ll have to pair it with an Arduino or Teensy to do any proper work like reading RC or driving servos (OpenMV, in contrast, has add-on boards that do those things directly)
  • It consumes about twice the power of OpenMV (240ma) so you may need a beefier power supply than simple the BEC output from your car’s speed controller. To avoid brownouts, I decided not to use the car’s regular motor controller’s output to power the system and used a cheap switching power supply instead.

If you want to do a similar experiment, here are some tips on my setup:


After you solder in the Teensy with header pins, solder in a 3-pin header for RC IN 1,2,3 and RC OUT 1 and 2. You’ll connect your RC receiver’s channels 1 and 2 to RC IN 1 and 2 and whichever channel you want to use to switch from RC to auto modes to RC IN 3. Connect the steering servo to RC Out 1 and the motor controller to RC Out 2. If you’re using a separate power supply, you can plug that into any spare RC in or out pins

Also solder a 4-pin connect to Serial 2. Your HuskyLens will plug into that. Connect the HuskyLens “T” wire to the Rx and “R” wire to the Tx, and + and – to the corresponding pins.


  • My code should pretty much work out of the box on a Teensy with the above PCB. You’ll need to add the HuskyLens library and the AutoPID library to your Arduino IDE before compiling.
  • It assume that you’re using a RC controller and you have a channel assigned (plugged into RC IN 3) for selecting between RC and HuskyLens controlled modes. If you don’t want to use a RC controller, set boolean Use_RC = true; to false
  • It does a kinda cool thing of blending the slope of the line with its left-right offset from center. Both require the car to turn to get back on line.
  • If you’re using RC, the throttle is controlled manually with RC in both RC and auto modes. If not, you can change it by modifying this line: const int cruise_speed = 1600;. 1500 is stopped; less than that is backwards and more than that (up to 2000) is forwards at the speed you select.
  • It uses a PID controller. Feel free to change the settings, which are KP, KI and KD, if you’d like to tune it
  • On your HuskyLens, use the scroll wheel to get to General Settings and change the Protocol/Serial Baud Rate to 115200.

Arduino Serial Plotter: The Missing Manual

If you use Arduino, perhaps to handle the lower-level driving work of your DIY Robocar, you may have noticed the Serial Plotter tool, which is an easy way to graph data coming off your Arduino (much better than just watching numbers scroll past in the Serial Monitor).

You may have also noticed that the Arduino documentation gives no instructions on how to use it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. You can Google around and find community tutorials, such as this one, which give you the basics. But none I’ve found are complete.

So this is an effort to make a complete guide to using the Arduino Serial Plotter, using some elements from the above linked tutorial.

First, you can find the feature here in the Arduino IDE:

It will plot any data your Arduino is sending out in a Serial.print() or Serial.println() command. The vertical Y-axis auto adjusts itself as the value of the output increases or decreases and the X-axis is a fixed 500-point axis with each tick of the axis equal to an executed Serial.println() command. In other words the plot is updated along the X-axis every time Serial.println() is updated with a new value.

It also has some nice features:

  • Plotting of multiple variables, with different labels and colors for each
  • Can plot both integers and floats
  • Auto-resizes the scale (Y axis)
  • Supports negative value graphs
  • Auto-scrolls the X axis

But to make it work well, there are some tricks in how to format that data. Here’s a complete(?) list:

  • Keep your serial speed low. 9600 is the best for readability. Anything faster than 57600 won’t work.
  • Plot one variable: Just use Serial.println()


  • Plot more than one variable. Print a comma between variables using Serial.print() and use a Serial.println() for the variable at the end of the list. Each plot will have a different color.
Serial.println(last_variable); // Use Serial.println() for the last one
  • Plot more than one variable with different labels. The labels will be at the top, in colors matching the relevant lines. Use Serial.print() for each label. You must use a colon (and no space) after the label:
Serial.println(last_variable); // Use Serial.println() for the last one

A more efficient way to do that is to send the labels just once, to set up the plot, and then after that you can just send the data:

void setup() {
   // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
void loop() {
   // read the input on analog pin 0:
   int sensorValue1 = analogRead(A1);
   int sensorValue2 = analogRead(A2);
   int sensorValue3 = analogRead(A3);
   // print out the value you read:
   delay(1);        // delay in between reads for stability
  • Add a ‘min’ and ‘max’ line so that you can stop the plotter from auto scaling (Thanks to Stephen in the comments for this):
  • Or if you have multiple variables to plot, and want to give them their own space:

Of course, now the numbers on the y-axis don’t mean much, but you can still see the waveforms.

Comparing Sonar and Lidar Arrays

For reasons that probably involve too much starting projects and not enough thinking about why I was starting them, I have conducted an experiment in comparing an array of ultrasonic sensors with an array of time-of-flight Lidar sensors. This post will show how to make both of them as well as their pros and cons. But [spoiler alert] at risk of losing all my readers in the first paragraph, I must reveal the result: neither are as good as a $69 2D Lidar.

Nevertheless! If you’re interested in either kind of sensors, read on. There are some good tips and lessons below.

First, how this started. My inspiration was the SonicDisc project a few years ago from Dimitris Platis, which arranges eight cheap ultrasonic sensors in a disc and makes it easy to read and combine the data.

I ordered the PCBs and parts that Dimitis recommended, but got busy with other things and didn’t get around to assembling them until this year. Although I eventually did get it working, it was kind of a hassle to solder together an Arduino from the basic components, so I redesigned the board to be an Arduino shield, so it just plugs on top of a regular Arduino Uno or the like. If you want to make one like that, you can order my boards from OSH Park here. The only other parts you’ll need are eight ultrasonic sensors, which are very cheap (just $1.40 each). I modified Dimitris’ Arduino code to work as an Arduino shield; you can get my code here.

Things to note about the code: It’s scanning way faster (~1000hz) than needed and fires all the ultrasonic sensors at the same time, which can lead to crosstalk and noise. A better way would be to fire them one at a time, at the cost of some speed. But anything faster than about 50-100Hz is unnecessary since we can’t actuate a rover faster than about 10hz. Any extra scan data can be used for filtering and averaging. You’ll note that it’s also set-up to be able to send the data to another microprocessor via I2C if desired.

While I was making that, I started playing with the latest ST time-of-flight (ToF) sensors, which are like little 1D (just a single fixed beam) Lidar sensors. The newest ones, the VL53L1X, have a range of up to 4m indoors and are available in an easy-to-use breakout board form from Pololu ($11 each) or for a bit more money but a better horizontal configuration of the sensor, from Pimoroni ($19 each).

The advantage of the ToF sensors over ultrasound is that they’re smaller and have a more focused, adjustable beam, so they should be more accurate. I designed a board that used an array of eight of those with an onboard Teensy LC microprocessor (it works like an Arduino, but it’s faster and just $11). You can buy that board from OSH Park here. My code to run it is here, and you’ll need to install the Pololu VL53L1X library, too.

The disadvantage of the ToF sensors is that they’re more expensive, so an array of 8 plus a Teensy and the PCB will set you back $111, which is more expensive than a good 2D Lidar like the RPLidar A1M8, which has much higher resolution and range. So really the only reason to use something like this is if you don’t want to have to use a Linux-based computer to read the data, like RPLidar requires, and want to run your car or other project entirely off the onboard Teensy. Or if you really don’t want any moving parts in your Lidar but need a wider field of view than most commercial solid-state 2.5D Lidars such as the Benewake series.

Things to note about the code: Unlike the ultrasonic sensors, the TOF sensors are I2C devices. Not only that, but the devices all come defaulting to the same I2C addresses, which it returns to at each power-on. So at the startup, the code has to put each device into a reset mode and then reassigns it a new I2C address so they all have different addresses. That requires the PCB to connect one digital pin from the Teensy to each sensor’s reset pin, so the Teensy can put them into reset mode one-by-one.

Once all the I2C devices have a unique ID, each can be triggered to start sampling and then read its data. To avoid cross-talk between them, I do that in three groups of 2-3 sensors each, with as much physical separation between them. Because of this need to not have them all sampling at the same time and the intrinsic sampling time required for each device, the whole polling process is a lot slower than I would like and I haven’t found a way to get faster than 7Hz polling for the entire array.

This is my test setup for the two, side by-side

Testing the two arrays side by side, you can see some clear differences in the data below as I move a target (my head ;-)) towards and away from the arrays.

First, you can see that the ultrasonic array samples much faster, so one sequence of me moving my head closer and further takes up the whole screen, as it scrolls faster than the ToF lidar display below it, where I can do it dozens of times in the time it takes the data to scroll off the screen

Sonar/ultrasonic array
ToF Lidar Array

Second, you can see that the Sonar data is noisier. Most of the spurious readings in the ToF Lidar graph (ie, not the green line, which was the sensor pointed right at me) are from the sensor next to it (yellow), which makes sense since the sensors all have a beam spread that could have easily overlapped with the main sensor pointed at me.

That’s true for the sonar data, too (the red line is the sensor right next to the green line of the one pointed at me), but note how the green line, which should be constantly reporting my distance, quite often drops to zero. The blue line, which is a sensor on the other side of the array, is probably seeing a wall that isn’t moving that’s right at the limits of its range, which is why it drops in and out.

So what can we conclude from all this?

  • ToF Lidar data is less noisy than sonar data
  • ToF Lidar sensors are slower than sonar sensors
  • ToF Lidar sensors are more expensive than sonar sensors
  • Both ToF Lidar and Sonar 1D depth sensors in an array have worse resolution, range and accuracy than 2D Lidar sensors
  • I’m not sure why I even tried this experiment, since 2D Lidars are great, cheap and easily available 😉

Is there any way to make such an array useful? Well, not the way I did it, unless you’re super keen not to use a 2D mechanical spinning lidar and a RaspberryPi or other Linux computer.

However, it is interesting to think about what a dense array of the ToF chips on a flexible PCB would allow. The chips themselves are about $5 each in volume, and you don’t need much supporting circuitry for power and I2C, most of which could be shared with all the sensors rather than repeated on each breakout board as in the case with the Pololus I used. Rather than have a dedicated digital pin for each sensor to put them in reset mode to change their address, you can use an interrupt-driven daisy-chain approach with a single pin, as FuzzyStudio did. And OSHPark, which I use for my PCBs, does flex PCBs, too.

With all that in mind you could create a solid-state depth-sensing surface of any size and shape. Why you would want that I’m not sure, but if you do I hope you will find the preceding useful.